Hostel Praha

Praha is the sudden storm
that shakes her at our arrival:
noisy, intense, bright,
yet warm, a little suffocating.

Praha makes herself heard, listened to,
she is not one of the old cities
which silently observe
life flowing in their veiny streets.

Praha shouts her welcome to us
with the thud of the old door
with the slamming of the windows
with the creaking of the fan
with the drunken chants on the street
with hasty steps on the stairs
with discussions in the corridors
with laughter on the upper floors.

Praha doesn't sleep and we don't sleep
day and night flow into each other
like the colors of the city's buildings
and the spiers, and the rooftops, and the turquoise of the late evening sky.

We leave again after three days with triple eye bags,
I fall asleep on the bus
under the blazing bright Praha sun
I wake up after a strange dream in pouring rain 
and I forget for a moment that it's June.


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